University of Kyrenia 2021-2022 Fall Semester graduates received their diplomas on 21 January 2022, at 10:00 after a ceremony held on campus.
The ceremony that took place at the University of Kyrenia Grand Library Congress Hall was attended by the President of TRNC Ersin Tatar, Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu, Civil Defense Kyrenia Regional Director Coşkun Neşesibol, Vice-Rectors, Secretary-General, Chief Physicians, Institute Directors, Deans, Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, Vocational School Directors, Academic Staff, alumni, parents, and guests.
Families and guests welcomed ‘graduates’ with a round of applause as they entered the ceremonial hall with joy and pride. The graduation ceremony began with a moment of silence followed by the national anthem.
The opening speeches were made by TRNC President Ersin Tatar and University of Kyrenia Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu and after the speeches of the student representatives, diplomas were given to those who were entitled to graduate from the Faculty and Vocational School programs.
At the ceremony, President Ersin Tatar presented her diploma to Agnes Magaya from the Department of Aviation Management of the Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences, while Nafiz Orul from the Department of Special Education Teaching from the Faculty of Education received his diploma from the Rector of the University of Kyrenia Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu.
The emotional and enjoyable ceremony ended with a cocktail held after the cutting of the graduation cake and group photoshoot.
President Ersin Tatar: “Graduation is one of the important steps of the life ladder”
TRNC President Ersin Tatar started his speech by saying that he is pleased to attend the 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester Graduation Ceremony of the University of Kyrenia.
Tatar stated that students from different countries and cultures unite at the University of Kyrenia, which provides education at an international level, where they study together, and they are prepared for the future in a way that they can make their own struggles with the self-confidence and equipment that they have acquired.
TRNC President Ersin Tatar stated that graduation is one of the important steps of the life ladder.
Ersin Tatar congratulated the graduates who have received up to date education and wished them success, and suggested them to maintain their friendships and their bond with the TRNC in the future.
Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu : “ Universities in our country have multiplied and become institutions open to all segments of society”
University of Kyrenia Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu started his speech by greeting the participants, underlying that universities are institutions that produce and disseminate information, teach critical thinking, and provide solutions to social and universal problems, and reminded that they are among the institutions that use technology and knowledge now.
Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu stated that universities, which are educational institutions and have autonomy of science and legal personality, have been at the forefront of societies throughout history and emphasized that universities in our country have become institutions open to all segments of society by increasing their number.
Setting the University of Kyrenia as an example in this respect which acts with social strategies and goals such as international recognition, regional leadership, quality education, integration with society, working to highlight social welfare, respect for ethical values and human rights, holistic thinking and keeping the human element front Prof. Dr. Salihoğlu noted that the best example of all these are the graduates who will receive their diplomas today.
Underlying the importance of producing knowledge and scientific research, Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu said that as University of Kyrenia, they have a remarkable position among TRNC universities in terms of total academic publications and they are among the first in the number of publications per faculty member.
Expressing his gratitude to the members of the Günsel Family, who unconditionally provided them with the opportunity to conduct education and research, Prof. Dr. Ilkay Salihoğlu stated that they had a total of 80 graduates from 6 faculties and 2 vocational schools in the fall semester and thanked the lecturers for their great efforts.